Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"Imagine" by John Lennon: Audience Analysis

                       John Lennon is addressing the 60's population through his song “Imagine” by saying in his song that one day he hopes that all people will be able to live for the day essentially meaning that one day all people will live together in peace and harmony in unison with one another. He also says imagine there is nothing to kill or die for which is essentially sending an anti-war message to the 60s population and telling them to stop the irrational violence happening in the Vietnam War. Lennon is sending a message of peace and brotherhood amongst the audience he is singing to because he wants to end war, violence, and segregation. John Lennon is a musician who supports inclusiveness, sharing, and universal prosperity and asks his audience of the 60s population to follow his message and imitate his actions. As he says, "I hope one day the world will live as one," he sends another message to the 60's population of a message to end racism and racial biases against one another specifically during the time of the Civil Rights Movement.


  1. Your first line says Lennon is addressing the 1960's population. Is he indeed addressing the population of everyone in the world during the 1960's? The majority of people outside the United States would not have heard the song so I would advise specifying your audience.

  2. I think your essential message is good but could be written in a more straight forward way. When you say "He also says imagine there is nothing to kill or die for which is essentially sending an anti-war message to the 60s population and telling them to stop the irrational violence happening in the Vietnam War." I think you could cut out the "also" as well as the "essentially" in order to make it more concise and blunt.
    -Sam Jacobson

  3. I think that you have the right idea with what you are writing, but you should expand it a little bit more. The way it is now, it feels slightly rushed, and there are some run on sentences. Otherwise, well done.
    -Scott Newman

  4. This post has great ideas about the message Lennon was trying to get across. However, there are some issues in sentence structure that detract from your writing. Also, in addition to speaking about the message of Imagine, you could elaborate more on the audience. With the phrase "I hope one day you'll join us, and the world will be as one", Lennon is clearly calling war-supporters to put down their weapons and join the piece movement. He is asking people in support of the war to think about an ideal world where we do not have to fight.
